第2ステージの通過市町村 ( Cities, Towns and Villages along 2nd Stage)

弟子屈町  Teshikaga Town
 弟子屈は、広大な北海道の東部、釧路川の最上流部に位置し、阿寒国立公園の56%を占め、更には世界一級の透明度を誇る摩周湖、今でも噴煙活動を続けている硫黄山、周囲57kmもある湖屈斜路湖・摩周温泉・川湯温泉・・・など多くの景勝地を有し、今なお太古の姿を残す原生林に抱かれた自然豊かな町です。 Located in eastern Hokkaido and very upstream of Kushiro River, Teshikaga Town is blessed with primeval forest.;Moreover, 56% of Akan National Park belongs to Teshikaga Town and there are so many tourist's spots such as Lake Mashu, Mt Io and Lake Kussharo etc.
阿寒町  Akan Town
 マリモとタンチョウのふるさと阿寒町は観光と農業の町です。」湖上遊覧船、アイヌコタン等の観光を始め、釣り、カヌー、登山などのアウトドアスポーツのフィールドに恵まれ、森と湖の休日を楽しむお客様で賑わいます。 Known for spherical moss and Manchurian crane, Akanis the town of tourism and agriculture The town is blessed with the field for various sports and people enjoy
釧路市  Kushiro City
Nature of Kushiro touches your heart.
Kushiro is the city which has two faces of both marsh and ocean.You can just listen the historic drama when you look at this Kushiro marsh.
白糠町  Shiranuka Town  

Shiranuka, adjacent town of Kushiro City, which has declared “a town bringing up the rich forest, river and sea”, is not only trying to attracting the infrastructure to Sen-Paku industrial area but also promoting to develop the new industry while protecting the agricultural, forestry and fishery resources
浦幌町  Urahoro Town

Konbu Kariishi observator

It is located 90m above sea level and you can look down to the Pacific Ocean You can also command Cape Erimo in a distance when the weather is clear.
本別町  Honbetsu Town  

Azalea Festival

This festival is held early May every year. People enjoy both azalea and the butajiru (miso soup with pork and vegetables) cooked in the big pot called Jumbo Yoshitsune Nabe (1.5m across).