第1ステージの通過市町村 ( Cities, Towns and Villages along 1st Stage)

帯広市 Obihiro City  

 Green Park

Green Park is located at the east side of Midorigaoka Park. There is 400m-bench which is used to be the longest in the world once. You can just go on picnic or enjoy various activities in the big field.
音更町 Otohuke Town   
 雄大な十勝川のほとりにある十勝川温泉には、美人の湯・モール温泉がわいています。国内でも珍しい植物性の温泉で、昨年、北海道遺産にも選ばれました。温泉を気軽に楽しめる「足湯」は11月中旬まで利用できます。  Tokachigawa Hot Spring is designated as Hokkaido Heritage last year. Its nature is batanical and it's really rare in Japan. You can enjoy the foot bath until the middle of November.
鹿追町  Shikaoi Town    

 Shikaoi Riding Park

Shikaoi Riding Park's main activities are horse riding and park golf. They offer short beginner programs and other programs. They also hold the All Japan Endurance Competition and other competitions 3 times a year. There is 18-holes park golf course. The longest hole is 134m-long.
上士幌町 Kamishihoro City   

Surround youself with the nature in Kamishihoro, Hokkaido.

Enjoy beautiful balloons flying in the clear blue sky.

Hot-air balloon enthusiasts, from all over Japan, come to the Balloon Festival, which is held every summer in Kamishihoro.
足寄町  Ashoro Town
Our hometown Ashoro, located between Akan and Daisetuzan Ntional Parks, takes pride in its scenic beauty, especially Lake Onneto is famous for changing color through the year.

Natural giant butterbur "Rawan Buki" was designated as Hokkaido Heritage in 2001.
阿寒町  Akan Town
Known for spherical moss and Manchurian crane, Akanis the town of tourism and agriculture The town is blessed with the field for various sports and people enjoy